The definitive guide to becoming a successful blogger

If you have The definitive come this far it is because you either have a blog or are thinking about getting started in this exciting world. But first, let’s see how it can help you professionally and personally to sit down and write an article every weekend without knowing if someone will be behind the screen willing to read and share it. Curriculum . There is no better way to present your knowledge and experience than through articles where, with complete freedom, you can share your experience with other interested users. If you have a blog, forget about the PDF CV. Your logs are your best business card. Personal brand. 

Previous questions before becoming a blogger The definitive

Being a blogger is not easy. It requires a lot of dedication top industry data and effort. There are many blogs that are born every month, but very few manage to survive 6 months. If you’re not willing to spend Sunday afternoons sitting in front of the computer instead of drinking beers, don’t start. But if you are convinced that you want to be a professional blogger, congratulations! I assure you will not regret. If you take care of all aspects of your blog, you will get as many visits as satisfaction. And if you don’t believe it, start writing. But before that, I want you to take into account some aspects before starting : Time and desire. An article requires a minimum of 4 hours of work. If you want to publish with a frequency of two articles a week, do the math. 

How to find ideas to write a post

Below, I explain some formulas that EW Leads I use to find inspiration before starting to prepare the content agenda for my blog. These are: Google Analytics. What are the items that work best? Observe in your web analytics which articles generate the most visits. Possibly 80% of your traffic comes exclusively from no more than 4 articles. And based on them, write new articles that complement those posts. SEO positioning. Do you need to push a keyword? If for SEO reasons you are interested in promoting a certain keyword, write different articles where you can work on said keyword from different approaches. 

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