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Black Friday: how to prepare in advance and get the desired income – Webpromoexperts blog

Year after year, I notice the same mistake many companies make: you wait for Black Friday to close sales and attract new customers.

You spend a large budget on targeting

sms and other marketing channels.

But as a result, your telegram database users list messages along with unique offers simply drown in the so-called “red ocean” among hundreds of similar messages with the same “unique offers”.

The budget is lost, and there is no expected profit. Are you familiar with this situation?

The most common mistake is to forget about Black Friday, or rather, to forget to prepare for it in advance and instead do everything at the last minute. It doesn’t work. Although Black Friday is only one day of the year, in order for it to “play into your hand”, you need to think through a whole strategy in advance.

So step #1 is to simply create a calendar with a list of important dates you can’t miss: Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Cyber ​​Monday, Black Friday, Christmas, New Year’s Day, etc. Read below about the next important steps.

Do not make the top 4 mistakes

DO NOT provide value to the customer

A simple example: “Buy a refrigerator and get a rag as a gift (to wipe it) . ” Do you think it is valuable? Remember that Black Friday is not when we sell off junk or unpopular items that have been sitting in stock. We always offer the customer value.

Communicate with the client only on Black Friday

It’s like a middle-of-the-night text message from a classmate 20 years after you last saw each other asking to borrow money.

Most often, this story happens on accounts when we have not sent letters for a long time.

For example: half a year or a year has passed, and suddenly an idea appears on the project, and we will start implementing it from Black Friday. Or from another information drive – New Year. Irregular mailings threaten not only that the Open Rate and Click Rate are significantly reduced due to “unwarmedness”. And also because clients don’t understand and won’t remember who we are when we send a letter.

telegram database users list

If in the case of a classmate we at least remember who he is and where we studied together, then everything is more complicated here. Imagine that the client is  brayton hannum montras la not waiting for our letter and it is Black Friday out of the blue.

What to do in this case? If you decide to start sending mailings, then do it not for all customers, but select a segment of the most loyal customers .

Start with them and make like a club of the best customers. Introduce the newsletter to the fact that we are starting to communicate with you, and smoothly lead to the fact that you are preparing an offer for them.

For a timely “warm-up”, it is important to have time to collect new contacts by October 31. Do it through:

  • Pop-Up form.
  • Forms for collecting contacts on the site (product page, product return, banners).
  • Targeted advertising in social networks.

“Get lost in the crowd” is among other numerous Black Friday mailings

This often happens when atb directory  we start the activity right from day to day with absolutely everyone. Or already, as in recent years, everyone starts a week before and continues ad infinitum.

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